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Informational security

Study program: 121 Software engineering

Degree: Bachelor

Type of module: lectures, seminars

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., PhD Yevhen Hrabovskyi

Language: English

Credit Points: 5 ECTS


The study discipline "Information security" provides students with a general overview of the main aspects of information security. In the process of studying the course, students are introduced to aspects such as the definition and importance of information security, threats and challenges related to the storage, transmission and processing of information, methods of protection against cyber threats, network infrastructure and data protection, cryptography and encryption to ensure privacy data, legal aspects of data storage and processing, use of tools and technologies to detect and protect against cyber threats, security of mobile and cloud technologies, security standards for mobile applications.

1 March

Numerical Methods / Чисельні методи

1 March

Organization of databases and knowledge / Організація баз даних та знань