Study program: 123 Computer engineering
Degree: Bachelor
Type of module: lectures, practical work
Lecturer: Prof.,Ph.D Valeriy Gorbachov
Language: English
Credit Points: 4 ECTS
This course aims to introduce fundamental concepts of analytical modelling and simulation techniques. The student will be introduced to the practical methods and theory required to carry out rigorous and qualitative analysis of computer systems and networks. The performance characteristics such as throughput, resource utilization and response time of a network system can be determined through simulation modeling and analytic modeling. Mastering tools and methodology in development and analysis of network systems will allow students to conduct research in the area of computer systems and network performance evaluation. Topic 1.Markov Chain Theory. Topic 2. Queuing Theory. Topic 3. Networks of queuing systems. Topic 4. Computing random numbers generators. Topic 5. Principles of simulation techniques. Topic 6.General Purpose Simulation System (GPSS World).